Banners are best way to grab attention. These are a site wide highly visible advertising option with Banner placement at your preferred Business Category or your preferred Area/Nagar page. Example: for a Edu Book store, putting a Banner at ‘Education’ category makes sense or someone from Kothrud, Bhusari Colony may want to place Banner Ad at ‘Bhusari Colony page of Kothrud. They are served on a rotation basis.

Banner At Business Category level at Education Category Top Banner at Nagar level
– Sample of Banner AD – – Sample of Banner AD –
Business Web Management Services Business Web Management Services

Biz Banner on Home Page – Rs.5000 per year

Getting your Biz Banner at the home page of this website would mean extremely high visibility for your Business as it will allow visitors to take notice of your brand. Those who click on your Banner it will directly go to your website which can potentially convert into a transaction.

[lists layout=”half” style=”style3″]

  • Custom dynamic slider at Homepage
  • Banner at Home page
  • Footer and sidebar Ads
  • Custom pages with custom sidebar content
  • Much Much More


Detailed Biz Web page – Rs.1000 per year

Do you have a small business which needs very economical Web Promotion? For just Rs.1000 per year, you can get a very detailed page of your Business covering your Biz Product details, About Us, Address, Contact form. This page will be under our location website where your Biz operates form. This benefits your Biz to reach local residents more effectively. Your Biz within 1 month will start appearing in Google searches as well.

  • With custom header image/slider
  • Many page options including photo gallery, embedded videos or forms
  • customized side bar
  • Custom graphics or use your own


  • Featured Top Position for your Listing in a Business Category (eg; a Book store Biz Listing will come at Top when anyone visits ‘Education’ category)
  • Featured Top Position for your Listing in a Nagar (eg; a Book store in Bhusari Colony will get Top when anyone visits ‘Bhusari Colony’ Nagar on our website)

Online Survey for Your Biz – Rs.500 (per survey)

Do you want your existing and prospect customers to get your Surveys filled-in? Online Surveys is the answer. Encourage your customers to share their views/feedback and shape your Product/Service accordingly.

  • Decide on your research goals

Before you can start your research, you will need to form a clear picture in your mind of the expected outcome. Do you need feedback on a product or your service? Do you have a particular audience in mind, or will you be sending out online surveys to the general public? The answers to these questions will help you to decide how to target your survey.

  • Create a list of questions

There are many different types of questions that can be used on a survey, like open questions, closed questions, matrix table questions, and single- or multi-response questions. Most people who take part in surveys prefer short multiple-choice questions.

  • Driver to participate in Survey

For people to fill-in surveys, you must think their thought. What is there for me in it? Some encouragement/drive should exist for people to come forward and fill in the survey.

  • Invite the participants

There are many ways to invite people to take part in your online survey. We can send a bulk email to your subscriber list, post your survey on Facebook, or design a banner that can be displayed on other websites if you wish to cast a wider net.

  • Analyse the results

Post survey, we will share you the survey report and this would be a valuable insight for you.

Promote Facebook page – Rs.2000 onwards

Facebook is one of the best Social Networking sites for Business page promotion. You can expect a bigincrease in your  business from the effective use of Facebook

  • Setting up your Profile
  • Managing your Settings
  • Regularly posting helpful links, suggestions and notifications
  • Choosing a profile image that portrays your company’s branding
  • Posting photos that represent your business’s “personality”
  • Quickly responding to feedback in a professional way
  • Facebook Page Advertising for Page Likes, Website Clicks


  • Build a successful sales campaign with the help of Cutting Edge Technology & Knowledgeable Technical support team.
  • Your Google advertisement is seen by a large number of people using Google Search.
  • An advertisement on Google Search can reach large number of internet users world over, wherever they are.
  • A Business Lead on Google Search reaches Ready buyers, Delivers visible performance and you pay for results only.
  • Your Dashboard tracks performing keywords, number of buyers who searched your products, saw your Ad and contacted you.
  • The Business Lead offers Ad campaign in specific area, at specific time, and on specific days with pause and play option.
  • You can decide how much you want to spend per year, per month and per day.

Website Designing – Rs.10,000 onwards

Any Business serious about Promoting/Selling its Brand/Products Online must consider its own website. Its your foundation to Online Presence as everything is build around a website.

Online Domain Identity

  • Complete Website Design
  • Website Hosting
  • One to Three Business Email Ids
  • A beautiful, mobile friendly Website

Added Benefits:

  • Priority Listing on
  • Free Updates
  • Listing Upload on Local Search Engines
  • Optimization By Business Name Search
  • Optimization Of Your Products & Services Offering On

– Sample of Websites –

Business Web Management ServicesBusiness Web Management Services