We all love to compete and participate in Competitions as it challenges ourselves and go for the Prize. People give out their true feelings and unbiased response to contests resulting in true response to Brand, more insights into customer behavior and demand. We can help carryout online contests for your brand where people get involved via say deciding on best picture, best product etc.

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  • Decide on your research goals

Once we brief you with the working of contest, you will then work out who / how / what & when of the contest. Before you can start your research, you will need to form a clear picture in your mind of the expected outcome. Do you need feedback on a product or your service? Do you have a particular audience in mind, or will you be sending out online surveys to the general public? The answers to these questions will help you to decide how to target your survey.

  • Shape your Online Contest

This depends on your business goals. We will help you shape your thought into an Online Contest. Define contest window, TnCs.

  • Driver to participate in Survey

The prize would be an important element to make more and more people participate in this contest.

  • Invite the participants

Getting people to participate in this contest would then need working out a cohesive plan of channels promoting the Contest. It would involve our website, your website (if any), facebook, google Ads and so on. Online Contest provides the ability to track the behavior of people and help make decisions easier.

  • Analyse the results

Post contest closure, winner celebration, you need to analyse the results we have shared with you to bring value to your business.


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