Do you have a small/medium sized business which needs very economical Web Promotion? For just Rs.2000 per year, you can get very detailed 3 pages for your Business covering your Biz Product details, About Us, Address, Contact form. This page will be under our local website where your Biz operates from. This benefits your Biz to reach local residents more effectively. You get double Google Search advantage. Your Biz will start appearing in Google Searches within 1/2 months.

[lists layout=”half” style=”style3″ line=”0″]

  • With custom header image/slider
  • Many page options including photo gallery, embedded videos or forms
  • customized side bar
  • Custom graphics or use your own


–  Example Page –


[button title=”Buy Now” url=””] [button title=”Payment Options” url=”” urlnewwindow=”1″]