Home page Top space is the ultra premium place of any website as it is exposed to almost each and every visitor to your website. We are offering Local Businesses this opportunity to place Slider Banner Ad on home page of all the 5 websites (Kothrud.com, BanerBalewadi.com, PimpleSaudagar.in, Wakad.in, Aundh.in). Slider Banner Ads give you the top position rectangle space of home page which stands at any visitors eye position. It’s a Billboard equivalent of Banner Ad, far bigger than side panel Ad and hence a most premium.

Your Biz gets a huge boost via carrying out this year around Ad campaign by taking this premium Ad space of these densely populated location portals.

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  • Your Banner Slider Ad appears on Top of 5 website Home pages (kothrud.com, banerbalewadi.com, wakad.in, pimplesaudagar.in, aundh.in).
  • Your Biz gets the entire one full year of exposure.
  • Ad can be linked to your website or your facebook page or your Premium Item Listing/ Webpage on this website.
  • price is negotiable if the duration of Ad is less than 1 year.




[button title=”Buy Now” url=”https://kothrud.com/advertise-with-us”] [button title=”Payment Options” url=”https://kothrud.com/payment-option” urlnewwindow=”1″]