Home page is the most premium place of any website as it is exposed to almost each and every visitor to your website.

We are offering Businesses this opportunity to place your Biz Banner Ad on the right panel of our home page of 5 websites namely (Kothrud.com, BanerBalewadi.com, Wakad.in, PimpleSaudagar.in & Aundh.in). Brands who are aggressively growing and looking for cost effective ways to Advertise themselves can avail of this service.

Your Biz is bound to get good visibility from these densely populated location portals, full 365 days visibility.

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  • Your Biz Ad will appear on the right side of home page of 5 websites.
  • Your Ad gets the entire one year of exposure.
  • Your Ad can be linked to your website or your facebook page or your Premium Item or Webpage on this website.
  • Your Ad can be linked to your website or your facebook page or your Premium Item or Webpage on this website.




[button title=”Buy Now” url=”https://kothrud.com/advertise-with-us”] [button title=”Payment Options” url=”https://kothrud.com/payment-option” urlnewwindow=”1″]